
Celebrating and Sharing God's Love 

November and Winter Edition of The Messenger ... click here

Minister: Rev Keith Edwards.

Sunday Services: 

10.45am weekly, (Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of the month)

Afternoon Tea Service on 3rd Sunday of the month at 4.00pm.

Click to see Quarterly Preaching Plan

Welshpool Methodsit Church
13 High Street,
SY21 7JP.

For a map of where the Church is, Click here 

Forthcoming Activities

Come and join us at these celebration services

Regular Activities:

Coffee Mornings on Mondays each week, 10.00am to noon.

Jubilate - 9.30am to 11.15am on Mondays.

Church open for Prayer, every Wednesday 10,00am to 12noon.

Mid-Week Movies First Wednesday of the month, 2pm

Craft Group every Wednesday of the month (except the 1st), 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

Bible Reading every other Thursday, 12noon to 1.00pm.

Friday Fellowship Third Friday of the month  2.30pm.

Gallery Discussion Group Third Friday of the month 7pm

Walking with Friends fourth Saturday in the month, usually from 10.00am.

Coffee Morning and Stalls - 1st Saturdays, 10.00am -12noon.

Coffee and Lunches on the 3rd Saturdays from 10.00am until 2.00pm.