AA All Age Worship T TransportRequired
AACG All Age Cell Group TS Trial Service
ATS Afternoon Tea Service
BAP Baptism
BC Breakfast Church
BTCS Back to Church Sunday
CA Chapel Anniversary
CAP Christians Against Poverty
C&C Carols and Christingle
CHS Community Hymn Singing
CMM Christian Music Ministries
Cov Covenant
CS Carol Service
EO Easter Offering Dedication
FF Flower Festival
HC Holy Communion
HF Harvest Festival
Jub Jubilate
LA Local Arrangement
LS Lambing Service
P&P Prayer and Praise
SKS Sankey Service
SoP Songs of Praise
SS Sectional Service
TF Welshpool Transport Festival
WCT Welshpool Churches Together
WDP World Day of Prayer
WPCU Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
UnS Circuit United Service
H Hymns and Psalms UA at Anglican
M Methodist Hymn Book UB at Baptist
ON Methodist Hymns Old & New UM at Methodist
S The Source UP at Presbyterian
StF Singing the Faith URC at URC
WB Methodist Worship Book UW at Welsh Chapel