
Newtown: Strawberry Tea 2024

Thursday 9th May 2024: 60th Anniversary Accreditation for Eileen Jobling

35th Anniversary Doris McNulty; 20th Anniversary Bet Holmes

and Reaffirmation of Local Preachers and Worship Leaders

Newtown Ruby Anniversary 21st April 2024

Newtown Christmas Fair 2023

Rev Jacquie's Farewell Service: Newtown 9th July 2023

Newtown Strawberry Tea 2023

Margaret Griffith: 90th Birthday celebrations at Newtown , April 2023

Welshpool's "Down Memory Lane" 2022

Newtown Coffee Morning and Book Stall

Now, which ones shall we chose?!!

It's time for a coffee

What a cutie!

A Selection of photographs celebrating Terry Jobling's 60 years Accreditation Service.

Cath Smith, Steward, introducing the service

Rev Jacquie

Terry reading a lesson

Anne Smith reading a lesson

John Harbron presenting  Rev Michael Taylor with a certificate for 60 years of preaching.

John, Michael and Terry

Michael presenting Terry with a certificate

John presenting Eileen with a present for many years of preaching and local preacher's tutoring.


Video of Rev Sue Lawler paying tribute to the long service of Terry and Eileen

Derek Painter presenting the Circuit gift to Terry

Terry with his Certificate etc

Terry and Eileen sharing the moment

A Selection of photographs taken for Kat Bond's Accreditation Service.

Doris McNulty

Terry Jobling

Andrea Davies

John Harbron

Presentations from Rev Jacquie and John Harbron to Kat Bond

Most of the Congregation

Alun & Eirys Bunford on Alun's retirement as secretary of Zoar chapel Trefeglwys. December 2021

Alun & Eirys with Gwyneth Williams at the lunch
to celebrate Alun's retirement

Kat & Andrew Bond provided the entertainment
at Alun's retirement lunch

Harvest part 2 at Newtown, service taken by John Harbron, October 2021


Andrea Davies' Service of Admission and Commission as a Local Preacher and Derek Painter's Commissioning as a Worship Leader, July 2021.

Andrea's Certificate

The bible Andrea was presented with

Andrea's Letter from the President & Vice President

Service of Admission & Commissioning for Andrea

Rev Jacquie

The first Hymn

Andrea at the Lectern

Andrea and some Jubilate

Derek's Commissioning


Andrea & Derek

Some of the Congregation